Biography of edward hopper

Edward hopper wife

Edward Hopper (July 22, – May 15, ) was an American realist painter and printmaker.

biography of edward hopper

Edward hopper education

Edward Hopper, född 22 juli i Nyack, New York, död i New York, var en amerikansk målare, mest känd för sina realistiska skildringar av ensamheten i samtida USA. [ 3 ] [ 4 ] Biografi.

Edward hopper style of art

Hopper sought and explored his chosen themes: the tensions between individuals (particularly men and women), the conflict between tradition and progress in both rural and urban settings, and the moods evoked by various times of day.

Where did edward hopper live
Edward Hopper was an American painter whose realistic depictions of everyday urban scenes shock the viewer into recognition of the strangeness of familiar surroundings.