Biography of pope innocent iii interdict
Pope innocent iii achievements
Pope Innocent III (Latin: Innocentius III; 22 February – 16 July ), born Lotario dei Conti di Segni (anglicized as Lothar of Segni), was the head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 8 January until his death on 16 July Pope Innocent was one of the most powerful and influential of See more.
What did pope innocent iii do
When Philip took no heed of the pope's warning Innocent carried out his threat and on 12 December, , laid the whole of France under interdict.
Was pope innocent iii a good pope
The present work is a biography of Pope Innocent III whose pontificate lasted from to It is divided into seven chapters attempting to summarize the main stages and acts of.
Why was pope innocent iii important
Serving as pope from to , he was the man who realized the implications of Pope Gregory VII’s vision of papal power, who vindicated the papal claim to arbitrate in the .